Connecting with Playlist Curators Made Easy

Get strategic niche playlists to unlock algorithmic growth and attract dedicated listeners within your genre

Artists see results with us. You will too.

0 M+

Streams Delivered

0 +

Artists Helped

0 %

Average Streams Increase

643 Active Campaigns

EasyPlaylisting: Where Results Matter.

Say goodbye to generic playlists. Our targeted niched approach attracts real fans. We've meticulously tested and vetted our playlists. With us, it's always 100% ORGANIC, zero bots.

We guarantee you'll get added to top notch Curated Playlists.

We stand by our ability to get your music in the right places the same way we do for our big clients. You'll get to see exactly which playlists we've added you on. It's time you start a campaign that's truly worry-free, effortless and most importantly: 100% organic 👇

Here's what artists are saying about us.

Why we are the leading service for growing your audience?


We meticulously analyze your music and place it into our highly targeted playlists. We carefully pick the curators we work with.


Our AI-powered method unlocks Spotify Algorithmic Playlists, reaching organically thousands new fans in 4-Weeks.


Forget the slow climb. We land your music on curated playlists fast. See growth in weeks, not years. Launch your campaign and get discovered – it’s that easy.


Our playlists increase your popularity but these royalty eligible streams can put money in your pocket as well.

Bonus #1! The Spotify Playlist Landscape 🎶

You'll also gain access to our exclusive E-book completely free! This piece is part of our ongoing mission to create a greater sense of understanding around playlisting.

Bonus #2! Algorithmic Amplification! 🚀

Not only do we MATCH your music to the right audience, but our playlists are also designed to be algorithm-smart. This increases your chances of being featured on Spotify's Discover Weekly and Release Radar, further boosting your reach.

Need help? Our amazing team is ready to assist you!

Get heard today!

Set up your campaign in under 4 minutes.

Connecting with Playlist Curators Made Easy

Get strategic niche playlists to unlock algorithmic growth and attract dedicated listeners within your genre

The Spotify growth solution chosen by over +4000 Artists, Labels and Curators

This is what we've done for other artists..

0 +

Artists Helped

0 M+

Streams Delivered

0 %

Average Streams Increase

643 Active Campaigns

Here's what you get with a campaign:

✅ Get pitched and added to playlists in 24 hours.

✅ Get added to playlists or full money back.

✅ Real long-term organic stream growth.

✅ No fake or bot streams, ever!

✅ Organic Grow with Algorithmic Paylists placement.

EasyPlaylisting: Where Results Matter.

Say goodbye to generic playlists. Our targeted niched approach attracts real fans. We've meticulously tested and vetted our playlists. With us, it's always 100% ORGANIC, zero bots.

We guarantee you'll get added to top notch Curated Playlists.

We stand by our ability to get your music in the right places the same way we do for our big clients. You'll get to see exactly which playlists we've added you on. It's time you start a campaign that's truly worry-free, effortless and most importantly: 100% organic 👇

Here's what artists are saying about their campaigns:

Why Easy Playlisting is the leading service for growing your audience.


We meticulously analyze your music and place it into our highly targeted playlists. We carefully pick the curators we work with.


Our AI-powered method unlocks Spotify Algorithmic Playlists, reaching organically thousands new fans in 30 days.


We land your music on curated playlists fast. See growth in weeks, not years. Launch your campaign and get discovered – it’s that easy.


Our playlists increase your popularity but these royalty eligible streams can put money in your pocket as well.

Bonus #1! The Spotify Playlist Landscape 🎶

You'll also gain access to our exclusive E-book completely free! This piece is part of our ongoing mission to create a greater sense of understanding around playlisting.

Bonus #2! Algorithmic Playlists Amplification! 🚀

Not only do we MATCH your music to the right audience, but our playlists are also designed to be algorithm-smart. This increases your chances of being featured on Spotify's Discover Weekly, Release Radar, further boosting your reach. This is by far the most effective and organic way to grow your music on Spotify.

Always get the best support from our amazing team!

Get started today!

Set up your campaign in under 4 minutes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens after I order?
You'll immediately receive an order confirmation email to access membership area and your campaign will begin. The processes is quick, easy, and effortless! 🎯
Here's what we do once you order:
1. Our team will listen to your song and handpick which playlists work best for your song.
2. We'll pitch your music to relevant playlists and contacts to help it get in the right places.
3. Within 2 business days of purchase, your song will be added to these playlists. You will receive an email telling you which playlists you were added to.
4. Our proven optimization techniques boost your track's chances of landing on Spotify's algorithmic playlists.
And that's it! Watch your exposure grow as targeted and relevant people engage and discover your music.
What's the refund policy?
We guarantee you’ll be added to the number of playlists your campaign advertises.
If for any reason we are not able to do so, you will be contacted by our team and given the choice between a full refund or an alternative complimentary campaign – the choice is yours.
You can contact our support team at at any time.
How does it work?
Simple! Submit your song(s) in the campaign builder and select how big you want your campaign to be.
The bigger the campaign, the more playlists you get added to, and the more we'll push your music.
We listen to your song and add it to our playlists most relevant to your song to give you maximum results.
How do you pick which playlists I'll get added to?
We listen to your song and other songs on your artist profile to see what genre, style and mood your music is. We analyze the similar artists you entered in the form, to discover the profile of your ideal listener and to trigger Spotify's algorithm.
We then pick the most relevant playlists to add you on - playlists that have your exact genre, mood and style.
This ensures that you’re getting in front of an audience of listeners that already love the kind of music you make, increasing your odds at saves, follows and making real fans 🎯
Will I get bot plays?
Absolutely NOT! Bot plays ruin your chances on getting on algorithmic playlists and earn you no royalties.
A Easy Playlisting campaign consists of us pitching your music to curators and playlists, not giving you artificial traffic or engagement.
Our promotion is strictly done through getting you on playlists, to get you in front of real people and get you real listeners and fans.
What happens if we do not get the streams we are expecting?

Please send us a video recording of your Spotify for artists dashboard. Showing the last 28 days of streams from playlists. Once we have received proof of streams. We will run the campaign until you reach your goal.

How can I contact you?

If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at Our team typically responds to emails within 24 hours.

Do you guarantee plays?
We guarantee that you’ll be added to the advertised number of playlists as a result of pitching, curating, and pushing your selected song(s).
Every campaign size has an estimate which is in line with past campaigns that we’ve run. we’ve worked with many artists across genres, and we know what works.
We are helping you get heard by pitching your music and adding you to playlists – a completely organic way to get your music heard by potential fans.
PLEASE NOTE: The quality of your song is everything. A quality song will outperform a low quality track any day of the week❗️
These are real ears listening to your music. The music is the factor that determines whether they stick around!
Is this organic?

It is 100% organic!

Are you complaint with streaming provider's terms & conditions?
Yes - we work hard to be a reliable source of organic music exposure that complies with the terms of service of distributors and streaming platforms.
We believe that your promotion options should never be limited to ‘pitching to editorials’, which always favors big/established/signed artists. You deserve to have as many options available to you as possible for promoting your music in a legitimate, reliable and dependable way.
For example, Spotify advises against using services that guarantee streams. It is for this reason that we DO NOT guarantee this, but rather give you an estimate of what you can expect to see based on the thousands of campaigns we’ve done for artists of all genres.
Please steer clear of any services that don’t look legit. As Curator Match is also a distribution service, we make sure that our promotion options are 100% legitimate; any source of fraudulent streaming hurts us as much as it hurts artists. Please avoid all forms of using fake/bot streams for your music.